Arguendo and Dixi have been residents of Austin, TX for most of 20+ years. We have tons of pictures from our time spent here and continue to take pictures around town. Here we plan on showing a picture each day. We hope you enjoy it and thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

They'll Be Back

I've been seeing these little guys all over the place lately. I'm going to have to find out what it's all about.

From Arguendo & Dixi's Daily Austin Photo



  1. Either that water is very shallow or someone is very inudustrious.

  2. I think a bit of both. That support is about 10-12 feet from the shoreline. And the little guy is a few feet above the waterline.

  3. If you find out what it's about, I hope you share because that would be interesting to know.

  4. I've been looking and looking for any info I can find and asked a few folks I know, but haven't come up with any information yet. As soon as I do, I will definitely let everyone know.
